BreastCare - WEBINAR

Di24Sep17:00Di18:00BreastCare - WEBINARBreast edema / Chest wall edema - Treatment insights from medical practice (English Language)


Speaker: Ms. Monika Hörner, Specialist in Uro-gynaecology & Lymphology, Gynaecology & Obstetrics Department – Klinikverbund Südwest – Böblingen, Germany
Quality Management Representative (QMB), Certified advisory Center of the German Continence Society, and Co-founder and active member of the Lymph Network Böblingen

In this webinar (in English), Ms. Hörner will share valuable treatment insights based on her extensive in-clinic experience, focusing on the following aspects:

  • Consequences of breast cancer therapy, with a focus on lymphedema in the breast & thorax areas
  • Reconstruction of the breast during breast cancer surgery
  • Breast edema and breast lymphedema
  • Distinction between breast edema vs thoracic wall edema
  • Symptomatic treatment of the disease
  • Product solutions designed to aid in the management of breast and thoracic wall edema

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24. September 2024 17:00 - 18:00(GMT+01:00)